The Jewish Museum of Bologna (MEB,Museo Ebraico di Bologna) is located  in the former Jewish ghetto, in the 16th century Palazzo Pannolini, belonging to the Municipality of Bologna.
The Museum covers a surface of 500 m2, divided into three separate areas for a permanent section and an area for temporary activities on the ground floor and a documentation center on the first floor.
The permanent section is focused on the issue of Jewish identity and describes the highlights of Jewish history over nearly 4000 years and , therefore , has two rooms  dedicated to the long stay of Jewish people in Bologna and in Emilia Romagna, from the medieval to the contemporary age.
The second section includes spaces dedicated to exhibitions, meetings, debates and educational activities for children. Here conferences, courses, workshops and presentations of books organized by MEB take place. There is also a well-stocked bookshop, where you can buy books and souvenir items.
The third section is the MEB Documentation Centre, comprising a specialized library and a cultural and promotion center, which is linked to the main museums, universities, libraries and research centers not only in Italy, but also in Europe, in Israel and in the USA.


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