San Giovanni in Persiceto Travel Guide
San Giovanni in Persiceto is a city of 28,016 inhabitants in the province of Bologna. Its origins are very ancient, and date back to the Bronze Age, but there are also news of celtic settlements and later Romans. With the Exarchate of Ravenna begins a period of drainage and canalization of the waters, then San Giovanni passes under the control of the Longobardi in 727; they are probably due to the characteristic shape of the historic center, called the "round village". After a period spent under the dominion of the city of Modena, San Giovanni became part of the possessions of the city of Bologna, and then part of the Church in the 16th century.
what to see and what to do in San Giovanni in Persiceto
The historic center of San Giovanni in Persiceto has retained its original concentric medieval structure, and inside it you can see all the main buildings of the city, such as the Collegiate Church of San Giovanni, from the late 1600s, inside which you can admire many important paintings of the Bolognese school; in front of the Collegiata there is the Palazzo Comunale, of the fifteenth century, whose main feature is the great eighteenth-century staircase, and at its side there is the Teatro Comunale, which still preserves its eighteenth-century structure. Worth visiting the picturesque square Bethlehem, called the "little place of tricks" for the colorful trompe l'oeil paintings by the production designer Gino Pellegrini.
Not far from San Giovanni in Persiceto it is possible to find the Area di Riequilibrio "Torrazzuolo", an interesting area characterized by marshes and cane fields, but also by newly planted woods, which are the ideal habitat for a large number of birds, such as for example, the Woodpecker and the Sparrowhawk, which can be observed by birdwatchers. However, in the marshy areas the most particular animal that can be observed is the European marsh tortoise.
Not far from San Giovanni in Persiceto it is possible to find the Area di Riequilibrio "Torrazzuolo", an interesting area characterized by marshes and cane fields, but also by newly planted woods, which are the ideal habitat for a large number of birds, such as for example, the Woodpecker and the Sparrowhawk, which can be observed by birdwatchers. However, in the marshy areas the most particular animal that can be observed is the European marsh tortoise.
Many events take place in San Giovanni in Persiceto during the year: the first of February there is the Historical Carnival, whose peculiar feature is the Spillo: when the parade floats, after having marched through the city, arrive in the main square , they are transformed in a spectacular way, revealing their allegorical meaning; in mid-June there is the Feast of King Bertolo, during which a medieval restaurant is set up in Piazza Garibaldi, to allow everyone to taste ancient traditional dishes, all accompanied by medieval re-enactments and folklore shows; at the end of September the Autumn Fair takes place, one of the main events of the season, with concerts, theatrical performances that animate Piazza del Popolo for a whole weekend; in mid-October there is Eatinero Persiceto, an itinerant street food festival, where the best quality street food is presented, from Sicilian cannoli to paella to tigelle: not to be missed! In early November there is Sapori d'Autunno, an occasion to taste the typical products of the season; while at Christmas, San Giovanni dresses up to host the Christmas Markets, with many local craft stands along the streets of the city center.
The typical product of San Giovanni is the Africanetto, a type of bright yellow meringue with a rectangular shape, crumbly on the outside and softer on the inside.
where - in the hinterland of Bologna, to the North-Ovest
Useful Info and Contacts
Pro Loco San Giovanni in Persiceto
(association promoting local culture and tourism)
Corso Italia 79
Tel. : +39 051 826 839
Tel. : +39 051 826 839
San Giovanni in Persiceto Town hall
Corso Italia, 74 - 40017
Tel. +39 051 681 2701
Tel. +39 051 681 2701
Health Service - nearest Hospital
Ospedale di S. Giovanni in Persiceto SS. Salvatore
Via Enzo Palma, 1
Tel. +39 051 681 311
First Aid tel. 118 è gestito dall'Associazione
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