Monghidoro is a village of 3,788 inhabitants in the province of Bologna. Due to its location, this area has always been a point of passage between the Pianura Padana and central Italy, and for this reason over the centuries it was crossed by Byzantines, Longobards and Ostrogots during raids.
The first stable settlement dates back to about the 8th century by the Goths, who called this territory "Mons Gothorum", Mount of Goths, from which probably derives the name Monghidoro.
Around the 13th century, the entire territory passed under the control of Bologna, and became the point of border and control to the territory of the city of Florence, as the two cities were often in conflict with each other; in this period Monghidoro was also called Scaricalasino, because here the mule trackers had to discharge the mule-cargoed goods for border controls.
what to see and what to do
- The Cloister of the Olivetani, dating back to 1500, has recently been restored.
- Very interesting is the Museum of Peasant Civilization, in Piamaggio, 3 kilometers from Monghidoro, which shows what was the life of the peasants of the area, with the reproduction of different settings and activities.
- For outdoor enthusiasts, the La Martina Park is nearby, where you can go walking and mountain biking to admire the typical flora and fauna of this region, and also stop for a picnic and even stay overnight in the camping area.
- Not far away, along the valley of the Savena River, you can admire several water mills, many of which still work; the best known of them is the Owl Mill, while Grillara is one of the oldest.
- Another suitable place for trekking and hiking is the Alps of Monghidoro, where you can find trails of various difficulties that allow you to cross the territory and enjoy the wonderful views it offers.
- Near Monghidoro there is also the Triton Adventure Park, at 1,000 meters above sea level on Mount Oggioli, where there are several routes, five suitable for adults and two for children, with fixed and mobile walkways, ropes, network tunnels and much more. In the park there is also an area for picnics, equipped with barbecue and a small pond with some specimens of triton, from which the adventure park takes its name.
- at the beginning of June there is the Bread Festival, in order to remember the old baker's trade and to taste the typical bread of the area and many appetizing pastries, accompanied by stalls of artisanal products and music;
- in mid-June there is an exhibition of vintage cars, this year at the 30th edition;
- in July and August, on Friday evening, the country's streets are set up with local food and local crafts stands;
- in mid-July, in Campeggio, a district of Monghidoro, there is the Tortellino Festival, typical plate of the region, broth or gravy, depending on the area, in this case also presented in sweet version;
- on the first of November there is the Tartufesta, with gastronomic stands with mountain and truffle specialties and local handicraft stalls.
Useful Info and Contacts
Via Matteotti,1
Monghidoro Town Hall
Via Matteotti, 1
Tel.: +39 051 655 5639
Health Service : Hospital Simiani in Via Roma 8, Loiano tel. +39 051 654 53710
where - on the hill of Bologna, to the South
CAR: From the A1 motorway, the exit to reach Monghidoro is via the A1 var - Variante di Valico - exit towards Badia, or A1 Panoramica exit Pian del Voglio then Strada Provinciale 61 then Strada Provinciale 79 towards Monghidoro; alternatively both from the North (Bologna) and the South (Florence), former Futa National Road 65 (now Strada Regionale 65 in Tuscany and Strada Provinciale 65 in Emilia Romagna)
TRAIN + BUS: TPER Bus Service from Autostazione Bologna (adjacent to the Central Railway Station), direction Monghidoro è gestito dall'Associazione
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